Hanover CREW Foundation
Crisis relief for Emergency workers
Crisis Assistance Fund (CAF) - This group is charged with oversight and management of the applications, verification of financial needs, and tracking of grants made to Emergency Responders and their families for Crisis Assistance. The subcommittee is also responsible for making recommendations of approval/denial of applications, as well as recommending grant levels for final Board decisions. The group shall maintain records of all applicants, approved or denied, and submit an annual report of CAF actions to the Board of Directors.
Scholarship Fund (SF) - This group is charged with oversight and management of the applications, verification of financial needs, and tracking of grants made to the spouses and children of affiliate Emergency Responders for educational pursuits as outlined by the Bylaws of the Foundation. The subcommittee is also responsible for developing, posting, and reviews of eligibility guidelines for educational grants. Subcommittee shall make recommendations of approval/denial of applications, as well as recommending grant levels for final Board votes and decision
Health and Wellness (H&W) - This group is charged with oversight, planning, coordination, and liaison with affiliate organizations in the development of programs, events, and seminars geared toward improving the general health and wellness environment (both physical and mental) of Emergency Responders in Hanover County. The subcommittee will receive and review requests from the emergency response community on the aforementioned programs and determine if, and how, they improve the general health climate for our providers. The subcommittee will make recommendations to the full Board on how and if the Foundation can support the program.
LODD and Memorial (LODD) - This group is charged with oversight, planning, coordination, and liaison with affiliate organizations in the development and execution of memorials, remembrances, and/or grants in the memory of Emergency Responders in Hanover County who have lost their lives in the Line of Duty. The subcommittee will receive and review requests from the emergency response community on the aforementioned programs and determine if they meet the criteria of said memorials/remembrances/LODD grant. The subcommittee will make recommendations to the full Board on how and if the Foundation can support the program(s).
R. A. Grindstaff II - President, affiliated with Hanover Professional Firefighters IAFF Local #4202
Steve Starzer - Vice President, affiliated with Hanover Fire/EMS as Department Chaplain
Thomas Nelson - Treasurer, affiliated with Hanover Professional Firefighters IAFF Local #4202
Melissa Ahern- Secretary, affiliated with Hanover County as a community member and Fire Service member
Danette Hodges - Board Member, affiliated with the American Cancer Society as a community member
Shannon Daniels - Board Member, affiliated with Hanover County as Manager with VDEMS and Western Hanover Volunteer Rescue Squad
​Mike Watkins - Board Member, affiliated with affiliated with Hanover Fire/EMS as an Operations Officer
Travis Preau - Board Member, affiliated with Hanover Fire/EMS as Life Member Henry Volunteer Fire Company
Ricky Ladd - Board Member, affiliated with Hanover Community as a local business leader
TRUSTEES - Adam Stroop (Hanover Fire/EMS), Earl Boswell (Hanover Fire/EMS), Mary Frayser (Hanover Fire/EMS),
Nick Daniels (Hanover Fire/EMS)